Published in Poetry d'Amour 2021

Nuggets and dust

Tineke Van der Eecken

Gold gathers in clusters,

forms dust and nuggets

on land. Won’t blend when

returned to the stars.

In four-o-clock sun

gold light covers landscapes

and skin. His pale hands take

what others left, for silver dollars.

He offers me rock: pale brown with yellow

patches, from an exploration trip to Liberia.

Rough, unmannered, no sparkle

on the surface.

Once we were gold.

Our shimmer lit

a nest of stars.

Needed two, not one, to shine.

A gold ring placed in my hand

by someone who lost her man.

Could you transform our love

into a pair of earrings?

My jeweller’s torch can melt

this gold, re-shape and join,

even with silver. But the essence

remains unchanged.

This and other poems in the current edition of Poetry d'Amour published by

WA Poets Publishing


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